Wednesday, January 6, 2010

December Fun

December turned out to be quite a month...we attempted to visit Santa, celebrated Aunt Ronnie's 40th Birthday, said goodbye to Sal's beloved Great Grandma Ruth, enjoyed some vacation time with Daddy and got ready for Christmas.
Sal in his Christmas sweater on the way to see Santa at Sprint. This did not go well, no picture was taken. I personally think Sal remembers this guy took his binkie when he was 4 months old...since there are no pics with Santa here's some with Mom and Dad before the tears started.

While Mommy snuck off to lunch at Andre's, Dad treated Sal to some "train spotting" on the way home from visiting Santa.

Sal's Godparents are 1/3 K-State - the other 2/3 are KU. Here is Sal sporting his purple!

Sal enjoyed lunch out to celebrate Christmas with Aunt Jeanine - he loves chips!

Aunt Mare Mare and Uncle Paul came over for dinner before Christmas - cheese!Uncle Paul put Sal in his shopping cart and drove him around - Sal loved it but has been told that "only Uncle Paul knows how to do that"Cutest Daddy and Sal picture!The googlie eyes that Aunt Mare gave Sal two years ago still come back every once in a while, he made us nervous when he climbed the stairs with them on!

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