Friday, December 5, 2008

Apple Jacks

Sal has learned about Apple Jacks from Daddy's cereal bowl on the weekend and knows that they are on the cereal shelf in the pantry. Who wants Cheerios when you can have this yummy goodness? We may be bad parents for the video below but it was too funny not to share...

For the record, Sal got to eat Apple Jacks before supper that night.

It's Winter

We are all feeling the brrrr cold these days and Sal is no exception. He really didn't like the first stocking cap I bought him - I'll admit it was a little tight - anyway, this fostered a strong disliking of stocking caps. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, he would cry when Uncle Jeff would put his cap his own head - I guess he felt sorry for the guy!
Here Salvador and Mommy both wore our hats out in the snow to get the mail! I am happy to report he is getting over his hat issues...most likely thanks to his new, more comfortable, hat! Or perhaps he is comforted by his Mom's dorky hat!


I think I was too busy cooking turkey to take many Thanksgiving photos, my sister's are very good with their cameras and are nice to share so I'm sure I'll add more pictures soon! We had our whole family together for the Thanksgiving holiday! We had a lot to be thankful for!
A Thanksgiving morning tradition, Daddy and Sal watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with juice and crackers! Sal loved the big balloons!


Sal's cousin George came to Kansas City to visit for two weeks, here are few shots of the boys together! It has been a lot of fun and we'll add more pictures when George and his parents get home to Virginia! George loves table food and has been a willing accomplice to Sal's clean plate! Here Sal is trying to get him to eat his peas and chicken!
Dude, it's the bathroom - we could get in a lot of trouble in there - let's go!

I'm sure, it's true...I saw it on Noggin!

No George, I don't think anyone will notice if we go outside without our shoes on!

November Catch Up!

Here is some miscellaneous stuff from November....
There was one more nice day and Salvador was able to convince Grandpa to play with the car on the deck. I cannot count how many times Grandpa helped Sal in and out of the car. He was very sad when it was time to go inside!
Learning to steer....

Sal can move the car around on his own but does it best backwards!

Salvador is finally steady enough for his shopping cart from Aunt Mary and Uncle Paul. We find everything in his cart...from Daddy's socks and kitchen towels to Mommy's spices and all of his toys.
Sal played with the leaves a little in early November, he found them very interesting. He was all dressed in his khakis and polo shirt from going to vote.
Boy, he's really grown into his swing since the beginning of the summer!
I call this Sal's Mark Starr look!

Lion is now a full-time ride on toy rather than a push is Sal taking him for a spin.