Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Viva Las Vegas!

A little diddy from Aunt Mary that she calls, "Salamander take over the Beiker's"

Auntie Mare and Uncle P were too busy playing circus to take too many photos but here is a recap of our weekend together as Sal remembers it…

Thursday afternoon we took Mom & Dad to the airport, I played possum so they would think I was sleeping when we dropped them so they wouldn’t feel bad about leaving me while they went off to Vegas to gamble away my college money. I love Mom & Dad but leaving me with Aunt & Uncle? What were they thinking?! Aunt Mare was hungry so we stopped by Mickey D’s, I tried to tell her I wanted fries and a coke but she either didn’t hear me or was too preoccupied with her own grumbling tummy to care. Thankfully we had to stop by Grandpa’s to pick up a baby gate and he had snacks for me! That silly guy, he only gives them to me one at a time but he did get the fruit off the ledge to play with me so that was super fun! Did I mention Auntie got fries and didn’t share?? Like puffies are the same! Grandpa and I played doors then Auntie made us go home…something about a nap. I thought she was talking for herself so I went along. Once we got home I realized who was suppose to nap and it wasn’t her! I played possum again because I thought I should go easy on her until Uncle got home from work. She did make me & Uncle supper but MY mom had it in the freezer so I’m not sure it counted. Uncle did my nighttime routine and I went down like a champ. I only woke up once that I let them know about but they kept coming in my room to check on me. Apparently they did not get the memo that I would let them know if I need anything!

Friday morning I was a bit surprised to see Auntie in my room, then I remembered the circus was in town and it was GUYS day! We had to send Aunt Mare off to bring home the bacon so we could get down to business! She was blocking my view as I was trying to watch ESPN and fart like a real guy. Auntie kept calling all day, I thought she was being a bit neurotic since she just went to get bacon…I go to Hy-Vee all the time and bacon is just across from the baby aisle, apparently she didn’t go to the Hy-Vee close by because she was gone a long time! Uncle P was going to take me to Gymboree for open gym after lunch but he had some trouble with my car seat. I was trying to tell him how to do it but he misinterpreted my help for crying and decided we’d swing in the backyard instead. I guess I was a little firm with my instructions…and I’m finding these people aren’t very good at decoding my grunts. Did I mention Auntie & Uncle won’t let me cry? This is SO fun!! I figured I owed Uncle P one so I went along with it when he put my diaper on backwards! I’m a 2008 kind of guy, I’ll try anything once. I was happy when Aunt Mare got me turned around and even had to chuckle with her when she was poking at Uncle. She must have given up on the bacon but she did come home and make us supper, I mean she heated up my mom’s cooking again. Granny and Grandpa came over for dinner, they like the circus too. I showed off my new walking skills and then attacked my bear for kicks. They are such a good audience and really good for my ego! That wore me out so I went to bed. Auntie & Uncle went off to a concert so rather than leave me home alone they had Granny & Grandpa watch the video monitor for them. I knew Granny had worked hard all week so I stayed quiet even though I really wanted to go back downstairs and play. Maybe I would see if Auntie and Uncle would take me over the their house tomorrow…I figured they would since they don’t seem to use the word NO very often. I woke up once in the night but that was really just payback for the night before. Plus they went out so I wondered if they had fun. They must not have had TOO much fun because Uncle Paul heard me and came in to see if I was okay. I remembered what Mom said about cousins so I went back to sleep right away.

Saturday since Aunt Mare was home with us we went to Deanna Rose… COW BELLS - need I say more!! They let me play with them twice it was such fun! Aunt Mare kept telling the other kids to go away they were my cowbells, I tried to tell her I share but then she got worried about the sun and made us go home. She redeemed herself by getting Uncle and I ice cream samples from the Blue Bell man. The best part was Auntie was driving us so Uncle gave me LOTS of ice cream…I think Auntie reminded him once that is was SUGAR but I conned him out of a few more bites but I don’t think she realized how much I got because she made me lunch!? Who needs lunch after a ½ gallon of ice cream? I took a good nap because I knew they needed showers and a nap! They said yes to Granny’s and Granny even cooked them dinner! They are no dummies, the knew I'd wear myself out silly at Granny & Grandpa's!! I’m still not sure if Auntie can cook but she did make me nuggets, those are so yummy I’ll count that as cooking. I figured out why they said yes to Granny’s - Uncle was tired…I tried to help him get a move on in my room but he’s a lot bigger than me so I didn’t have much luck moving him.

He dressed me up and I must say he did good because I really do think Uncle Paul Rocks as my shirt says. Since he got me such a swell shirt and had taken excellent care of me I decided to say Uncle…just once but I said it clear. He was very happy and it got me another 20 minutes of play…score!

When we got to Granny’s I got in my special drawer in the kitchen so I would have utensils to cook with too. I was a good helper to Uncle in the kitchen. Grandpa took me outside to play with my car on the deck, I really worked up an appetite! Auntie put applesauce on my toast, she didn’t do it the way mom does so it might as well have been poop - thankfully she did give me lots of yummy options hence the nugget comment earlier, and got in the fridge for some bonus cheese. I crashed and burned when we got home and didn’t stir once that night, I figured we were even.

Sunday Uncle went to the Hy-Vee store, I know this because I go see him there all the time. I love Hy-Vee, not as much as Aunt Mare does but maybe someday. They have balloons and lots of little people and bright colors plus everyone there thinks I’m SO cute, it’s the most magical place on earth…my friend Sarah says that’s Disney World but I don’t know anything about that…Hy-Vee, yes Hy-Vee that’s the magical place for me! Where was I, oh yeah, Sunday before Uncle left for work they let me have a bath but Aunt Mare didn’t even give me enough water for my boat to float right, I tried to tell her but she didn’t get it…again. I took a really long nap, probably because I was tired of Auntie saying “Mare Mare”, “say Mare Mare” - I didn’t realize how jealous she would be over the Uncle incident the day before but I can’t just do it when she wants me to, I have to spring it on her when she least expects it…note to self, say Mare Mare by Christmas so I get a good gift. Auntie woke me up from my slumber, she said it would be worth it and BOY WAS SHE RIGHT!! We got the airport and my people were there! Oh how I missed Mommy & Daddy!
Marcia & Herley at the Top of the World Restaurant at Stratosphere

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