Monday, August 11, 2008


I'm ONE, I'm ONE, I'm ONE!
Well, Mommy and Daddy were probable more enthusiastic about the big ONE than Sal. Unfortunately, Sal's molars did not cooperate and he was teething and had run a fever for four days leading up to his birthday. Who can blame a guy for being crabby? Those are some big teeth! He now has a cold to distract him from teething! He is a healthy 26 pounds, 3.5 ounces and 30 inches tall. He has grown and changed so much this year - we are amazed all the time! We remain so grateful to be Sal's parents and love sharing our adventures with you!
Sallapolluza is what we lovingly call the three day celebration of Sal's first year! We celebrated his actual birthday with family pictures - you can check them out on the photographer's blog, Daddy had the day off so he and Sal enjoyed an afternoon nap together before we had dinner with Grandpa and Grandma, Uncle Paul and Aunt Mary at Hu Hot and then presents and ice cream cake.

Good Morning Birthday Boy!

A birthday boy should be a clean boy - especially with new tub toys from Mom and Dad!

Happy 1st Birthday to me - cutie pie!

Sal and Daddy taking an afternoon nap - boy you've come a long way in a year!

Dinner with Uncle Paul and Aunt Mare Mare
Mmmm, that looks good over there...
Eating peas with Grandma.
Sal with Grandma and Grandpa

Aunt Mary and Mommy helped Sal open presents
Poor Sal, Aunt Mary and Mommy played with some of his new hooded towels
A tired birthday boy!
Mmmm, Ice Cream Cake from Dairy Queen.
We think the cold felt good on his gums, Daddy gave him lots of ice cream cake!
Sal getting ready to make his birthday wish...could it be for those darn teeth to get through already?

On Friday, Aunt Ronnie and cousins Ashleigh and Chance arrived. Sal loves to play with his big cousin Chance and Chance is so patient with Sal!

Saturday was Sal's Birthday Party. He was still not quite himself but Mommy thinks he had fun anyway!

Cool sign made by Aunt Mary
Sal's first birthday cake made by Mommy of course!
Daddy took cake detail while Mommy fed him ice cream.
Sal apparently needed a break from partying and found a quiet corner to hang out in with cousin Ashleigh.
Not quite the cake mess we were expecting...maybe next year?

Sal with Grandma listening to a story.
Taking Aunt Ronnie for a walk.
Grandpa helping with balloons

Sal with Uncle Paul and Aunt Mary
Aunt Ronnie and Ashleigh
Sal snuggles Aunt Angie

Sal with Jeanine and Dan
The Barnickol boys are getting so big - with Mom Julie
The Cronk kids hiding from the camera!
Sal's good friends, the Starr Twins Iris and Nora were worn out from partying!
Chris and Angela left Kaylee at home napping - Sal was jealous!

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